Monday, May 26, 2014

Funemployment Train Coming to an End: Week 8

Movies watched: Miss Conception, It Had to be You, Star Trek: Into Darkness, The Robe, Indiscreet  Ender’s Game, Heartburn, Going the Distance

Books finished:  The Last Boyfriend by La Nora


Bi-weekly unemployment report.  Internet log-in wasn’t working—again—but was able to file by phone.  The online version kept hanging there, for over two hours. 

A nice phone interview with a company in the ‘burbs.  In-person interview scheduled for next week. 

Last week I submitted my paralegal CLE’s so I could renew my CRP; the admin cancelled it, but when she “walked me through the correct process” it turns out my original submission was fine, but now I have to resubmit because she CANCELLED it!  GRRR.


WOOOOT!!  I received an offer!  This job will build on what I know.  Fills some gaps in my resume. Professional, but casual environment.  Money is there.  Start June 2.


A friend is out of town, so I went to her apartment to give her cat medicine.  She left Monday.  Yesterday they kinda shrugged and went about their business.  Today, Craigy held me captive today with cuddles and purrs.

Cancelled interview for next week, cause I got a JOB!


Received an email from a former coworker.  They need some temp help, so she thought of me.  One of those moments that reaffirms how nice some of my former coworkers really are.

Held hostage by my friend’s cat again today.  He is lonely!

Another friend is in from out of town.  We went to the Chicago Grinder and Pizza Company for dinner.  Pizza pot pie (but not).   I’ve decided that this is where Chicagoans should bring New Yorkers for pizza—just to avoid the New York vs Chicago pizza argument.  It is neither!


Good visit with friend.  Had brunch at my favorite diner; my friend had hazelnut crepes and I had an omelet with a side of pancakes (instead of toast).  I am NOT a fan of pancakes, but these are GOOD!  (They also make fantastic French toast, but I can only eat so much;)

X-MEN!  I rarely seem movies on opening day, but I love this franchise.  They have the action for action/adventure fans, but also have developed great characters and create thought-provoking plots.  And Hugh Jackman is just....  ;)


Final volunteer day for the mosaic project. Grouted it--blue, green, black, and red grout, depending on the image being grouted.

Okay, TMI but I am one of those people who has to wash my hair every day or I look like I haven’t washed it in a month.  It almost looks wet after the 24 hour mark.  With the resurgence of dry shampoo, I purchased some (in powder form) from Lush.  I’ve gotten the hang of it and managed to go two entire days without washing my hair and I went out in public.  This seems petty, but for me it is a major victory!  It meant I didn’t have to shower before going to work on the mosaic project and could save the shower for afterward—after getting blue and black grout in my hair.

I am stuffed!  Friend’s deck opening...  Great food and lots of belly laughs.  Welcome summertime!

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